Hungary The 100th anniversary of the birth of György Cziffra 7500 Forint .925 Silver Coin

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Country: Hungary (Europe)
Series:Items Without Serie
Topic: The 100th anniversary of the birth of György Cziffra
Type: Commemorative
Note: 2021
Denomination: 7500 Forint
Composition: Silver 925
Weight: 12,5 g
Silver content: 11.1 g (92.5%)
Diameter: 30 mm
Obverse: Az emlékérmék előlapja Cziffra Györgyöt ábrázolja a franciaországi Senlisben található Saint-Frambourg-kápolnában - a zongoraművész által alapított „Fondation Cziffra” központjának Liszt Ferenc Auditóriumában -, miközben koncertet ad. Az előlapon találhatóak továbbá az emlékérmék kötelező elemei: alul két egymás alatti sorban a kibocsátót megjelenítő „MAGYARORSZÁG” felirat, valamint a 7500, illetve a 2000 Ft értékjelzés, jobb oldalon – a kápolna ábrázolásába illesztve –, két egymás alatti sorban a „BP.” verdejel és a „2021” verési évszám.
Reverse: Az emlékérmék hátlapján Cziffra György portréja látható a rá oly jellemző, átszellemült arckifejezéssel. A portrétól jobbra, három egymás alatti sorban CZIFFRA GYÖRGY felirat, valamint a világhírű zongoraművész születésének és halálának évét jelölő „1921-1994” évszámok olvashatóak. A hátlapon található továbbá az emlékérmét tervező Fritz Mihály szobrászművész mesterjegye.
Edge: Milled
Description: György Cziffra (1921-1994) is a world-renowned Hungarian-born pianist and piano virtuoso with brilliant improvisation skills, a master of romantic piano literature, with a self-evident ability to synthesize different styles. Born into a musical family, he attended the Academy of Music as a child prodigy at the age of 8. His promising career was marred by the World War, imprisonment due to a prisoner of war, unsuccessful attempt to emigrate, and a labor camp. Working as a bar pianist, Cziffa got the opportunity to give concerts again in the 1950s. On October 22, 1956, he performed Bartók's 2nd Piano Concerto at the Erkel Theater with great success. With the concert, the history of music and the history of the revolution were connected. Together with his family, Cziffra emigrated to Paris, where his international career began and he became one of the most sought-after pianists. He founded his own international competition in Versailles, renovated and converted the ruined royal chapel in Senlis into a concert hall, which he named after Ferenc Liszt, and where the most famous musicians perform every year. His unique career, knowledge, individuality, and his work embracing young people are still exemplary today. In connection with the György Cziffra commemorative year under the artistic direction of Balázs János Kossuth prize-winning pianist, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank is issuing a silver commemorative coin with a face value of HUF 7,500, as well as a non-ferrous metal version with a face value of HUF 2,000. The primary role of commemorative coins is to draw attention to the work of György Cziffra. The images of the silver and non-ferrous commemorative coins are the same, they differ only in the denomination. Source: MNB
Engraver: Fritz Mihály
Motif: György Cziffra, Human
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