Hungary Gyorgy Bekesy 2000 Forint Coin

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  • Békésy György 2000 Forint
  • Békésy György 2000 Forint

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Country: Hungary (Europe)
Series:Winners of the Nobel Prize
Topic: Gyorgy Bekesy
Type: Commemorative
Note: 2022
Denomination: 2000 Forint
Composition: Copper-nickel
Weight: 12,5 g
Obverse: Békésy György kutatásának egyik legfőbb eredményét jeleníti meg, a környezetből érkező hanghullámok belső fül csigájában való terjedését ábrázolják. A fül csigájának ábrázolásába illesztve – apró betűkkel, illetve számokkal – belül a „BÉKÉSY GYÖRGY A BELSŐ FÜL CSIGÁJÁBAN LÉTREJÖVŐ INGERÜLETEK FIZIKAI MECHANIZMUSÁNAK FELFEDEZÉSÉÉRT KAPOTT FIZIOLÓGIAI ÉS ORVOSTUDOMÁNYI NOBEL-DÍJAT 1961-BEN” felirat, kívül hanghullámhossz jelölések – „200 Hz 400 Hz 600 Hz 800 Hz 1000 Hz 1500 Hz 2000 Hz 3000 Hz 4000 Hz 5000 Hz 7000 Hz 20000 Hz” – olvashatók. Az előlapon találhatóak az emlékérmék kötelező elemei: a „7500”, illetve „2000 FORINT” értékjelzés, a „BP.” verdejel, lent – a perem ívét követve – a „MAGYARORSZÁG” felirat és a „2022” verési évszám. A jobb szélen, középen az előoldalt tervező Endrődy Zoltán iparművész mesterjegye látható.
Reverse: Az emlékérmék hátlapján a Nobel-díjas tudós portréja látható, melyet kiegészít a portrétól balra, három egymás alatti sorban olvasható „BÉKÉSY GYÖRGY” „NOBEL-DÍJ ● 1961 ●” felirat. A hátlap jobb szélén látható az érmeoldalt tervező Kovács Zoltán szobrászművész mesterjegye.
Edge: Plain
Description: In honor of György Békésy, the Hungarian National Bank is issuing commemorative coins with a nominal value of HUF 7,500 and non-ferrous metals with a nominal value of HUF 2,000 on the birthday of the Nobel Prize-winning biophysicist. The special oval-shaped commemorative coins enrich the series presenting the Hungarian Nobel laureates. With the issue, the central bank pays tribute to the scientist who died half a century ago and to his work, who in 1961 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine "for the discovery of the physical mechanism of the stimuli generated in the cochlea of the inner ear". The obverse side of the commemorative coins was designed by industrial artist Zoltán Endrődy, and the reverse side by sculptor Zoltán Kovács. György Békésy (1899 – 1972), a Hungarian biophysicist who lived in the United States, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1961 for his research on the functioning of the human hearing organ and his discoveries about the physical mechanism of stimulation of the inner ear and the cochlea. György Békésy died as a Hungarian citizen in Honolulu - in 1972. Békésy's research results are still effective today. He was the first to establish that traveling waves are generated in the ear, and he also measured the wave's propagation speed. During his studies, Békésy showed that the basement membrane in the cochlea of the inner ear transmits vibrations as an elastic surface in the same way as the tympanic membrane that borders the middle ear. As a result, the perception of pitch cannot be based on the echo of the vibration of the diaphragm. He proved that a non-linear wave travels through the snail, which reaches its maximum at different places of the approximately 30 mm long travel, depending on the frequency of the sound wave. In addition, he also showed that the generated sound wave only plays the role of the source in the operation of the nerve cells that mediate the sensation of sound, for which the electrochemical sources in the cochlea provide energy. Thanks to his research work, we were able to learn how we hear. Hearing testing devices still in use today work based on the operating principle of the audiometer he developed. The Magyar Nemzeti Bank is issuing a silver commemorative coin with a nominal value of HUF 7,500 and a non-ferrous metal version with a nominal value of HUF 2,000 with the name György Békésy on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Nobel Prize-winning scientist's death. The special, oval-shaped commemorative coins, as the 6th member of the series presenting Hungarian Nobel laureates, started in 2012, follow the commemorative coins honoring Albert Szent-Györgyi, Jenő Wigner, Róbert Bárány, Richárd Zsigmondy, and György Hevesy. The primary role of the commemorative coins issued in honor of György Békésy is to attract attention and spread knowledge, they do not play a role in cash circulation. The images of the silver and non-ferrous commemorative coins are the same, they differ only in the denomination. Source MNB
Engraver: Endrődy Zoltán
Motif: Human, Scientist, Inventor, György Békésy, Nobel Prize
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