Hungary Gorgeous People Miklos Zrinyi .999 Silver Coin

Numismatic information

  • Nemzetünk nagyjai Zrínyi Miklós .999 ezüst
  • Nemzetünk nagyjai Zrínyi Miklós .999 ezüst

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Country: Hungary (Europe)
Series:Gorgeous People
Topic: Miklos Zrinyi
Type: Medal
Composition: Silver 999
Weight: 10,37 g
Silver content: 9.99 g (99.9%)
Diameter: 35 mm
Obverse: Zrínyi Miklós Szigeti veszedelem
Reverse: Isten álld meg a magyart!
Description: The greats of our nation - Erem Art Institute The count, revered as a hero of Szigetvár, was the castle captain of Szigetvár from 1557. In 1566, Sultan Sülejmán I besieged Szigetvár with his hundred thousand army. Zrínyi defended the castle with 2,500 men and delayed the advance of the Turkish army towards Vienna. At the end of the month-long struggle, the castle captain broke out against the enemy with his team, reduced to 300 men, and died a heroic death.
Engraver: Érem Művészeti Intézet
Motif: Miklós Zrínyi, Human
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