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Christian VIII's reign

Christian VIII 's life

VIII. Christian, who was King of Denmark from 1839 to 1848 and King of Norway for a short time in 1814, was a significant figure in Scandinavian history. He was born in Copenhagen on September 18, 1786, and died there on January 20, 1848. As King of Norway, he only spent a few months on the throne, from May 17 to August 14, 1814. During this period, the short Norwegian War of Independence broke out under his leadership. Several important events took place during his reign as King of Denmark, including his coronation, which took place on 28 June 1840 at Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød. He was the child of Keresztély, Crown Duke Frigyes and Crown Duchess Friderika Zsófia of Mecklenburg-Schwerini. Due to his friendly nature and good looks, he enjoyed great popularity in his age. His life was turbulent in terms of his marriages and children. His first wife was Princess Friderika Sarolta of Mecklenburg, whom he married in 1806, but their marriage ended in divorce in 1810. His second wife was Princess Karolina Amália of Augustenburg, whom he married in 1815. Their marriage remained childless, but Keresztely had several children out of wedlock. During his rule, Denmark went through many changes, and VIII. Christian's reforms and politics had a significant impact on both Danish society and the Scandinavian region. He rests in Roskilde Cathedral.

Christian VIII Coinage

VIII. The minting of Danish King Keresztely between 1839 and 1848 was one of the most important periods in Danish monetary history. During this period, the Danish silver money system was transformed and new gold coins were introduced. The king introduced the new silver money system in 1840, in which the rigsdaler (rigsdaler) replaced the rigsbankdaler (rigsbankdaler) currency. Compared to the previous ones, the new silver coins were smaller and lighter, and instead of the king's portrait, the Danish coat of arms was displayed on their back. In 1842, the gold coin system was also introduced. The new gold coins were the rigsdaler-korone (rigsdaler-korone) and the skilling-korone (skilling-korone). The value of the rigsdaler crown corresponded to 2 rigsdaler, and the skilling crown to 1/10 rigsdaler.VIII. Keresztely's coinage contributed significantly to the modernization of the Danish monetary system. The new silver and gold coins made money circulation simpler and easier to use.

Christian VIII money

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