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Fausta's reign

Fausta 's life

Wife of Constantine I and daughter of Maximian.

Fausta Coinage

Empress Fausta's coinage between 307 and 326 is significant in Roman monetary history. In the early battles, traditional Roman motifs dominate, but later Fausta starts to emphasize her own person and her own power more and more. In the early battles, Fausta wears the traditional Roman empress titles: Augusta, Mater Castrorum (mother of the camps) and Regina (queen). The motifs often include the Roman state deities, such as Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. From the 320s, Fausta begins to emphasize her own person more and more. At the beatings, she often appears alone or together with her husband, Emperor Constantine. The motifs often include symbols of Christianity, such as the cross and the dolphin. A gold coin minted in 308 bears the title Fausta Augusta and the inscription Mater Castrorum. The coin was minted for the Roman legions and depicts Fausta as the protector of the legions. A gold coin minted in 320 shows Fausta and Emperor Constantine together. The coin bears the title Fausta Regina and the symbol of the cross. This coin reflects Christianity becoming the state religion of Rome. Fausta's coins are important to the study of Roman history and culture.

Fausta money

Numismatics. Online store for old money, coins and banknotes.