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Abdul Hamid II's reign

Abdul Hamid II 's life

II. Abdul-Hamid, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, ruled from 1876 to 1909. He is known as the caliph of the Islamic world and under his rule the reform movement called Tanzimat reached its peak. With his autocratic leadership, he tried to prevent Western interference in Ottoman affairs. He carried out important reforms in the field of education, expanding schools throughout the empire. His political orientation increasingly turned towards the German Empire and he employed German military engineers to reorganize the army. He was also able to register a territorial increase, acquiring Crete. He resisted the Western powers and aggressive Christianity until the last moment, and considered himself the champion of Islam. The rights of foreigners were curtailed, and new railway lines were built to Mecca and Medina. However, this did not help the bad governance much, and the Sultan barricaded himself in the Yıldız Palace, living in constant fear of death. When the Young Turk uprising broke out, the Sultan immediately restored the suspended constitution of 1875, and on December 10, 1908, gave a speech was held in the parliament, where he said that "the first parliament was temporarily dissolved until the level of education is sufficiently high in the territory of the Empire". This did not save the sultan from suspicions, as a result of which the revolution that broke out deprived him of his power on April 27, 1909 , and was imprisoned in Thessaloniki (respecting his rank). From 1912 until his death - he also died here - he was a prisoner of Beylerbey Palace in Istanbul.

Abdul Hamid II Coinage

II. Sultan Abdul-Hamid ruled the Ottoman Empire from 1876-1909. During his reign, the empire was in decline, and this was also reflected in the coinage. At the beginning of Sultan Abdul-Hamid's reign, the traditional coinage continued, but due to the financial difficulties of the empire, lower quality metals had to be used more and more often for the coins. The sultan also introduced paper money in 1880, but even this could not stop the deterioration of the currency. The decline of the empire was also reflected in the coinage. The quality of traditional coins was deteriorating and fake coins were appearing more and more often. Paper money quickly lost its value.II. Sultan Abdul-Hamid's coinage is an important relic from the eras of the empire's decline.

Abdul Hamid II money

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