Crispus's reign

Crispus 's life

Flavius Iulius Crispus, also known as Flavius Claudius Crispus or Flavius Valerius Crispus, was the first-born son of the Roman Emperor Constantine I. He was his father's designated heir to the throne and played an important role during Constantine's reign, especially as a general. His exact date of birth is unknown, but it may have been sometime between 299 and 305. The place where he was born is also unknown, somewhere in the eastern half of the Roman Empire. In 317, three Caesars were jointly inaugurated in Serdica (now Sofia). One of them was Crispus, next to him was his half-brother, II. Constantinus and the younger Licinius, also barely two years old. Crispus was between 12 and 18 years old at the time, so it is not known whether he actually ruled immediately, or whether his appointment was only nominal, like the other two Caesars. He led several campaigns against the Franks and Alemanni and ensured a continuous Roman presence. in the provinces of Gaul and Germania Inferior. Crispus was executed by his father, widely believed to be because his second wife, Fausta Flavia Maxima, claimed that Crispus had cheated on her. This opened the way for the sons of Constantine and Fausta to the throne.

Crispus Coinage

Emperor Crispus, son of Roman Emperor Constantine I and Minervina, ruled from 317-326. During his reign, many coins were minted, which can be divided into the following groups: Gold coins of Crispus: Aureus: the coins were made of gold and weighed 4.5 grams. They featured the portrait of Crispus and the imperial symbols on the reverse.Solidus: these coins were made of gold and weighed 4.55 grams. Crispus' portrait and the imperial symbols were depicted on the reverse, as well as the inscription "CONSTANTINVS MAXIMVS AVGVSTVS ET CRISPVS NOB(ILIS) CAESAR". Crispus' silver coins: Denarius: the coins were made of silver and weighed 3.4 grams. The portrait of Crispus and the imperial symbols can be seen on the reverse.Follis: the coins were made of silver and weighed 10.7 grams. The portrait of Crispus and the imperial symbols were depicted on the reverse, as well as the inscription "CONSTANTINVS MAXIMVS AVGVSTVS ET CRISPVS NOB(ILIS) CAESAR". Bronze coins of Crispus: Antoninianus: these coins were made of bronze and weighed 23.4 grams. The portrait of Crispus and the imperial symbols were depicted on the reverse.Semis: the coins were made of bronze and weighed 11.7 grams. The portrait of Crispus and the imperial symbols can be seen on the reverse.Quadrans: these coins were made of bronze and weighed 5.85 grams. The portrait of Crispus and the imperial symbols were depicted on the back. The coinage of Crispus was roughly the same as that of his father, Constantine I. The coinage of Crispus is important for Roman numismatics as these coins provide insight into the period of the emperor's reign.

Crispus money

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