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Severus Alexander's reign

Severus Alexander 's life

The last emperor of the Severus dynasty. Cousin of Elagabalus, who was assassinated after ruling for 13 years.


Severus Alexander Coinage

Emperor Severus Alexander ruled the Roman Empire from 222 to 235. At the beginning of his reign, he followed traditional themes and motifs in coinage. The emperor was depicted on the front of the coins, and the gods, the symbols of the empire or the imperial family on the reverse. In 232, Alexander launched a campaign against the Persians. This campaign also appeared in the coinage. On the obverse of the coins, the emperor was depicted in military clothing, and on the reverse, scenes of victories against the Persians can be seen. At the end of Alexander's reign, military motifs increasingly appeared in coinage. This was the result of the emperor's military reforms and the growing military threat of the empire. Severus Alexander's coinage includes the following main types: gold coins: Aureus, Solidus, silver coins: Denarius, Antoninianus, bronze coins: Sestertius, Dupondius, As. The aureus and the solidus are the most valuable gold coins. they were. The denarius and antoninian are the silver coins, and the sestertius and dupondius are the bronze coins. The ace was the lowest value bronze coin. Severus Alexander's coinage is an important source of his reign and the history of the Roman Empire.

Severus Alexander money

Numismatics. Online store for old money, coins and banknotes.