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Domitian's reign

Domitian 's life

A descendant of the Flavian dynasty.

Son of Vespasian and son-in-law of Caligula. He was assassinated by senatorial conspirators.


Domitian Coinage

Emperor Domitian was a member of the Flavian dynasty who ruled the Roman Empire from 81 to 96. He made several changes to his coinage that reflected his aspirations for power and divine demands. Domitian increased the weight and purity of silver and gold coins and reduced the value of copper coins. With this, he wanted to stabilize the economy and the incomes of the empire. On the coins, he often depicted himself as the son of Jupiter, the protector of the Capitol, the father of the people, the leader of the senate, the commander of the army, or the lord of the world. The inscriptions on the coins also glorified his virtues, actions and title. Domitian's coinage was the richest and most varied among the Roman emperors, expressing his political and religious ideas.

Domitian money

Numismatics. Online store for old money, coins and banknotes.