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Marcus Aurelius's reign

Marcus Aurelius 's life

Member of the Antoninus dynasty.

Son-in-law of Antonius Pius. Philosopher. He died of the plague.


Marcus Aurelius Coinage

Emperor Marcus Aurelius ruled Rome from 161 to 180. The first half of his reign was defined by the war with the Parthians, in which the emperor's co-ruler, Lucius Verus, led the campaigns. The war ended in victory in 166, and Marcus Aurelius minted many commemorative coins in memory of the soldiers who fell in the war. After the war, Marcus Aurelius returned to Rome, where he focused on protecting the western borders of the empire. The last years of the emperor's reign were defined by the war over the Marcomanni and the Sarmatians. The war ended with the death of Marcus Aurelius in 180. The coinage of Marcus Aurelius underwent significant changes during his reign. In the early years, the emperor followed traditional Roman coinage traditions. However, after the war, Marcus Aurelius increasingly minted coins that reflected his personal religious and philosophical views. The most characteristic elements of the emperor's coinage are the following: Marcus Aurelius' face on the coins usually shows a serious, wise and heroic appearance. The emperor's titles on the coins emphasize the emperor's power and dignity. Marcus Aurelius minted many commemorative medals in memory of the soldiers who died in the war. The coins of Marcus Aurelius increasingly reflect the emperor's own personal religious and philosophical views. The coinage of Marcus Aurelius is an important milestone in the Roman coinage tradition. The emperor's coins are one of the characteristic works of art of the last flourishing period of the Roman Empire.

Marcus Aurelius money

Numismatics. Online store for old money, coins and banknotes.