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Stephen V's reign

Stephen V 's life

Stephen V reigned in Hungary between 1270 and 1272. His father was King Béla IV, his mother was Queen Mária Laszkarisz.

In 1262, he received the "junior royal" title (iuinior rex), and during the Treaty of Bratislava, he won the eastern part of the country.

During his reign, Stephen V supported the cities and trade. He facilitated the trade relations, supported coinage and the rights of cities. This contributed to economic growth and the strengthening of royal power.

He fell seriously ill in 1272 and later died. After his reign, his son Ladislaus IV took over the throne.

Stephen V Coinage

Béla IV, Stephen V, Ladislaus Kún, Endre III and his immediate successors: Venczel and Ottó's funds form a coherent system.

Small denarii species, with crowned royal heads, seated or standing royal figures, coats of arms, angels, fantastic animal figures, with which the pointed arch style is increasingly coming to the fore. Most of these medals are scarce without inscriptions, but their heraldic aspects are more frequent and self-conscious than before.

Stephen V money

Numismatics. Online store for old money, coins and banknotes.