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Severus II's reign

Severus II 's life

As co-ruler, he was co-emperor of Galerius for 8 months.


Severus II Coinage

II. Emperor Severus reigned until 306-307, and his coinage was the result of one of the most important events of the Tetrarchy period, the civil war. Severus was appointed Caesar in 305 and Augustus in 306. II. The coinage of Severus shows the characteristics of the tetrarchy period. The coins depicted the emperor and his family in military attire, emphasizing the power of the army. The material and quality of the coins improved, and these coins were used long after the fall of the empire. Severus' coinage played an important role in the financial and cultural life of the Roman Empire. The emperor also strengthened his own position through money and served to rebuild the empire. Some specific examples of Severus' coinage: Aureus: The emperor is depicted in military dress and the imperial family on the reverse. Denarius: The emperor is depicted in military dress and the reverse shows the imperial emblems. Antoninianus: The emperor is depicted in military attire, and the reverse shows the imperial emblems.

Severus II money

Numismatics. Online store for old money, coins and banknotes.