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Traianus Decius's reign

Traianus Decius 's life

He reigned as a military emperor for only 1 year. He died in battle.


Traianus Decius Coinage

During the reign of Emperor Decius, several types of coins were produced and circulated in the mints of the Roman Empire. Antoninians: These silver coins were most common in the time of Decius. Antoninians were double gold coins minted in different parts of the empire. For example, the Antoninian coin of Trajanus Decius (249-251) appears with the inscription DACIA. On the Antoninian coins, you can also find the emperor's portrait and depictions of various gods. During the time of Emperor Decius, other types of coins were made, such as denarius and quadrans. These coins were smaller denominations and were used in everyday circulation. Denarius were silver coins, while quadrans were bronze coins. The depictions of the coins varied and ranged from portraits of the emperor to various gods. During the time of Decius, gold coins were also produced, for example, minted gold. These coins were minted alongside the Antoninians and were made for the emperors. Mint notes became more and more complicated in the 4th century, and a special symbol was associated with the officina marks. These coins not only played a role in economic circulation, but were also important in conveying imperial propaganda and power messages.

Traianus Decius money

Numismatics. Online store for old money, coins and banknotes.