John II's reign

John II 's life

II. Prince John (Johann Maria Franz Placidus von und zu Liechtenstein) reigned in Liechtenstein from 1858 to 1929. He was at the head of his country for seven decades, only XIV. King Louis of France and II. British Queen Elizabeth surpassed her past with her long reign. János was born on October 5, 1840 in Eisgrub, Moravia II. As the sixth child (and first son) of Prince Alajos of Liechtenstein and his wife Franziska Kinsky von Wchinitz und Tettau. He received an excellent education, taught by private tutors, then attended the University of Bonn and completed technical studies in Karlsruhe.II. János had a withdrawn nature, he avoided social events all his life and, contrary to family tradition, he did not take a role in the Austrian imperial court or in the army. He didn't even get married. At the age of eighteen, his father, II. After the death of Duke Alajos of Liechtenstein, he inherited the Duchy of Liechtenstein and the family's possessions in Moravia and Silesia. János traveled throughout Europe, increased the family's famous art collection and supported botany, archeology and geography. In 1862, he signed the new constitution of the duchy, which gave significant political rights. to the citizens. He modernized his backward principality, which lived on agriculture: in 1869 the country was connected to the outside world with a telegraph, in 1887 the railway was introduced, and in 1898 the telephone. During the First World War, Liechtenstein remained neutral. János avoided people and society, but he modestly supported culture and science. In 1869, for example, they were among the first to use the telegraph in Liechtenstein. János lived a long and interesting life and contributed to the modernization of Liechtenstein.

John II Coinage

II. János (Jó János), duke of Liechtenstein, several coins were issued during his long reign. II. During the time of John, the crown coin (formerly known as the Kronenthaler) was the main currency. This was a silver coin that was put into circulation in the duchy. II. János modernized the country, and new coins were minted as part of this. These included smaller denominations, such as silver and copper coins. The Princes of Liechtenstein are famous for their collectible coins, which were also issued because of the family's artistic and cultural interests. II. Coinage during the reign of János proves the development and modernization of the country.

John II money

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