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Louis II's reign

Louis II 's life

Louis II of the Jagiellonian house was born in 1506. As the son of King Vladislaus and Queen Anne of Candale. He reigned in Hungary and the Czech Republic between 1516 and 1526.

His father already secured the crown for his only son in his childhood. In 1508, he was crowned Hungarian king in Székesfehérvár and Czech king in 1509 in Prague. Louis was the third and last Hungarian king from the Jagiellonian house.

In 1515, pursuant to the Habsburg-Jagiellonian marriage contract, the Vienna meeting between the Hungarian King Vladislaus II, the Polish King Sigismund Jagielló and the German-Roman Emperor Miksa Habsburg. The three rulers decided on the marriage of the still-child Lajos to Mária of Habsburg. At the same time, they even agreed that Miksa and Sigismund would be Louis' guardians in the event of Vladislaus's death. In addition, Miksa accepted Louis as his son.

He died on August 29 1526, when he heroically took on the battle at Mohács against the outnumbered Turks.

Louis II Coinage

II. In the time of Louis, four types of money called gold forints, garas, denars and obulus were minted. II. At the beginning of his reign, Louis fully joined the monetary system used by his predecessors in coinage. The roots of this monetary system go back to the great monetary reform of Mátyás I in 1468, who then introduced the so-called Madonna denarii. In the first years of the reign of Louis II, the denarii were completely identical to the coins of their predecessors, both in terms of the medal image and the denomination. This first era is 1516-1521. In 1521, a major reform took place in the field of coinage, the meaning and explanation of which is provided by the public conditions of the country at the time and the difficult financial situation of the treasury and the royal court. The basic idea of À reform was to reduce the fineness of money by half, but to keep it at the forced exchange rate. During the circulation period of the nova moneta, obulus and garas were minted in addition to denarii.

Louis II money

Numismatics. Online store for old money, coins and banknotes.