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Abd al-Aziz's reign

Abd al-Aziz 's life

Abd al-Aziz (Marrakesh, February 23, 1878 – Tangier, June 9, 1943) was the Sultan of Morocco from 1894 to 1908. After the death of his father Hassan I, he was proclaimed Sultan of Morocco. With the help of European advisers, the young sultan attempted to modernize the country, but his efforts - especially regarding the tax system - failed. The background for this was the lack of officials experienced in modern public administration, as well as the hostile behavior of the conservative influential and noble strata. Abd al-Azíz's other problem, however, was the European powers competing over Morocco. At the conference in Algeciras, which lasted from January to April 1906, he signed the treaty that sanctified European influence and granted Spain and France special rights. As a consequence of this, in 1907 his brother Abd al-Hafíz incited a rebellion in Marrakesh, and his troops defeated Abd al-Azíz's forces on August 19, 1908. Two days later, the sultan abdicated, then he lived in Tangier for decades on the bounty he received from his brother, and died in 1943. His successor, Abd al-Hafíz, ruled Morocco from 1908 to 1912.

Abd al-Aziz Coinage

Sultan Abd al-Aziz ascended the throne in Morocco in 1894. During his reign, he carried out significant reforms, including the restructuring of the financial system. In 1895, he opened a new mint in Fez, where the country's coins were minted using modern technology. The new coins were made of two types of materials: gold and silver. The weight of gold coins was 20, 40, 60, 100 and 200 dirhams, and the weight of silver coins was 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dirhams. The value of the coins was indicated by the sultan's monogram and the name of the sultan. The new coins were produced using modern technology and were of accurate weight and purity. This contributed to Morocco's financial system becoming more reliable and stable. Some of the coins minted by Abd al-Aziz still have significant collector value.

Abd al-Aziz money

Numismatics. Online store for old money, coins and banknotes.