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Mahmud II's reign

Mahmud II 's life

Mahmud II ruled the Ottoman Empire from 1808 until his death. He was born in 1785 as the son of Abdul-Hamid I. He was an enemy of Christians and their civilization. His plan was to defeat his enemies with the same weapons with which they had tarnished the glory of his nation. Mahmud IV came to the throne in 1808 after the dethronement of Mustafa. In 1826 he dealt with the Janissaries. He turned his own weapons against them. He died unexpectedly in 1839. He was succeeded on the throne by his son Abdul-Mejid.

Mahmud II Coinage

II. During the reign of Sultan Mahmud, the coinage of the Ottoman Empire underwent significant changes. As part of the Sultan's reform efforts, he also modernized the coinage and replaced the previous traditional coins with new types of more modern coins. II. At the beginning of Mahmud's reign, in 1808, the former traditional coins continued to be minted. These coins were made of copper, silver or gold and depicted the face of the Sultan and the Ottoman coat of arms. However, in 1832 II. Mahmud introduced the new gold-based kurus monetary system. In addition to the kurus, para made of silver, as well as pul and Skenderi denominations made of copper were in circulation. The introduction of the new monetary system brought about a significant change in Ottoman coinage. Instead of the previous traditional coins, modern, standardized size and weight money was put into circulation. In addition, thanks to the new monetary system, the value of Ottoman money became more stable. II. During the reign of Mahmud, the minting of the Ottoman Empire continued to develop. In 1839, the 10 kurus denomination and the 20 kurus denomination were introduced. II. Mahmud's coinage had a significant impact on the economy of the Ottoman Empire. The introduction of a modern monetary system contributed to the modernization of the empire's economy and helped the empire's economic development.

Mahmud II money

Numismatics. Online store for old money, coins and banknotes.