Hungary Replica of the most valuable Hungarian coins Istvan Bocskai Thaler Medal

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  • Magyarország A legértékesebb magyar érmék replika Bocskai István tallérja Érem
  • Magyarország A legértékesebb magyar érmék replika Bocskai István tallérja Érem

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Country: Hungary (Europe)
Series:Replica of the most valuable Hungarian coins
Topic: Istvan Bocskai Thaler
Type: Medal
Diameter: 40 mm
In the "Value" column, we show the highest sell-out or sale price registered on our site since 2018, without taking into account the sell-out date or other special product characteristics (e.g. condition, defects, occasional revisions, etc.). Since the value is mostly determined by the current market trends, the displayed values can only be interpreted as a benchmark and not as the current market price.

Views: 133
