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Mswati III's reign

Mswati III Coinage

III. King Mswati of Swaziland ruled from 1986 until 2018, when he renamed the country eSwatini. The king had more than a dozen wives and many children, and was notorious for his luxurious lifestyle and autocratic rule. The king's minting issued a variety of coins and banknotes, usually featuring his portrait, the royal coat of arms, the national flag, or local animals. depicted. The value of the coins and notes was pegged to the Swazi lilangeni, which has existed since 1974. The Swazi lilangeni consists of 100 cents and has the same exchange rate as the South African rand. An example of the king's coinage is a 10 lilangeni banknote that features the king's portrait, the royal coat of arms and the Swazi flag. On the back of the banknote is a lion and an elephant, which are symbols of the royal dynasty.

Mswati III money

Numismatics. Online store for old money, coins and banknotes.